10 Things You Will Understand If You Don’t Enjoy clubbing in Lagos

Sore Thumb in a Lagos Club

There is always this friend who doesn’t enjoy go clubbing with the squad. On a night when everyone is tipsy and wilding out in the club, they turn sour thumb and look around unhappily while staring at the revelers with a bored look on their face.

You always complain that the Music is Too Loud

The music is always too loud. You look around at your friends while they dance like they just came from another planet. You try to scream in their ears that it’s time to go. They ignore you like they cant hear you. Blame it on the DJ.

You Feel the Drinks Are Over-Priced

There might be a deal on tequila shots but that’s the only affordable thing in the club, so you’ll end up doing only tequila shots, and that can only end badly.

There are just so many people there.

There is always too many people in the club staining your white and trying to mingle their sweat with yours. Gross!?

 Strangers Invade Your Personal Space

Most will end up touching you – some “will literally step on your toes with their spiky heels. This suddenly becomes really painful as tears swell up your eyes.

You always Spill your Drinks

It’s impossible not to spill your drink or have someone spill their drink on you. Same tequila you were only able to afford because there was a deal on it.

The Club is Always Too Hot

You spend all that time getting ready and then the minute you get in there you look like you did a 10 mile run.

You have to Force Dance Yourself

You have to dance, mainly because there isn’t that much else to do.  You also don’t want to be a killjoy.

You can’t pick The Music

You can plan to go to a club night that plays your favorite type of music, and you can request from the DJ, but there is no guarantee that they’re gonna fulfil your musical wishes.

Area Boys

The area boys can spoil a good night. They pounce on you begging you for money almost forcefully. If you are unlucky they could go ahead to rob you off your phones, wallets and other valuables.