4 Reasons Why Coffee Is Not Just A Beverage But A Drug

What better way to start your working days after a long dirty December holiday if not with a cup of coffee? If we would not borrow the word ‘addicted’ yet, a devoted coffee drinker will agree that coffee is more than a beverage you consume for the fun of it.


Performance boost and addiction are the two common factors not far fetched from the habit of drinking coffee. So it is safe to call it a legal drug because it has never been considered illegal since its existence.


See 4 reasons why coffee is not just a beverage:


Muscular Contraction

It is not strange to find that drinking coffee before work out has an effect on how your muscles contact compared to when without coffee. Coffee is known to contain chemicals that allow your muscles to contract well enough to produce the force to lift things.

Studies also confirm that the caffeine content of coffee opens more calcium channels which increase the rate of muscular contraction. In summary, you get more work done in less time when you drink coffee prior.


Weight Ease

Have you ever doubted the fact that weight feels easier with coffee? The effect of caffeine in coffee stimulates the central nervous system, only that the adverse effect turns out to be that the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) is decreased with drinking coffee.  You have a high tendency of pushing much harder and the weight feels easier. You can try a cup of coffee before your next work out for increased intensity.


Fat Burner

The combined effect of high-intensity exercise in coffee gives rise to a perfect fat burner if you are looking for one. By now we all know that caffeine is a stimulant of increased exercise rate which automatically amounts to increased fat burning. The addition of coffee to a fasted cardio session will especially help with utilizing fat as a fuel.


Enhanced Movement Pattern

Caffeine having a stimulating effect on the nervous system has one added benefit. This would be the increase in motor pattern retention. When you are working out, or moving your muscles and joints with your brain, you are changing your movement patterns. Working out should be practicing your movements so that you are more resilient on a day to day basis.


With all these known drug facts about coffee, will it still be a safe drug to consume if packaged in a pill form