5 Handshake Alternatives To Prevent The Spread of Corona Virus

As much as we used to encourage social gatherings, networking and fun events that will have groups of happy people all under a roof, time has imposed the need for us to campaign against it till the deadly outbreak of Corona Virus is over. We have continued in using our platforms to sensitize our audience on all the practices involved in social distancing in order to curb the spread of the novel virus.


Please be aware that staying at home is not enough in keeping us safe but keeping the space considered reasonable enough for social distancing. Therefore, we urge you to incorporate this new measure of keeping distance in order for us to see the end of COVID-19.


This sudden change in our tradition has been recommended by health officials worldwide. You’d rather suspend all the big hugs, embrace and firm handshakes for these greeting alternatives:



The sudden change in tradition, recommended by health officials, has affected everything from churches worldwide, where handshakes were integral

We will agree that waving is no lesser form of greeting when keeping a healthy distance. Add a beautiful smile to your gesture and make it worth more than 10 hugs.



COVID-19 Greeting Alternative -Salute

Beyond greeting, this is a display of strength and courage to your fellow brother/sister that we will get through this.



COVID-19 Greeting Alternative -Bow

Bowing as we all know is a sign of respect and now is a time to show love to our elderly ones who are more vulnerable in this period that this too shall pass.



COVID-19 Greeting Alternative -Namaste


The COVID-19 is a global pandemic and we can actually save the world by greeting in the Hindu way, ‘Namaste!’


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