6 Tips For Lagos Bartenders

December is here again and the bars and lounges will be full with Lagosians out to enjoy the festive seasons with their friends and loved ones. We came up with there tips for bartenders and anyone who wants to pursue a career in tending bars. Since the job is part of the hospitality industry it is essential that you take these tips to heart and put them in practice.

see tips below:

  1. This is the hospitality industry and every bartender needs to remember that. To be successful, you need to maintain a good attitude—no matter how bad your day is going—and treat every customer the same. Nigerians can be very rude but you must keep your cool at all times. Simple things like a smile and greeting when a patron sits down and thanking them when they leave can make the biggest impressions.


  1. Nothing says unprofessional bartender (or one who simply doesn’t care) more than a dirty bar. Many of the best bartenders are constantly cleaning and it can do wonders for improving your patron’s experience. Use clean bar towels to wipe down the bar top anytime you see water or spills. Watch the flies and ensure you have something to swath them.


  1. Suggesting drinks is one of the things that will tip customers off that you care about their experience. After all, you’re in the bar more than they are, so if you know of a good drink, why keep it to yourself?


  1. As a bartender, you need to be aware of everything in your bar and be prepared for the unexpected.

  1. It is true that in the bar your tips will probably make up the majority of your income. However, if you are obsessed with everyone giving you the best (or even the customary 15-20 percent) gratuity every time, then it will show on your face.


  1. If a customer leaves a dollar on the bar after ordering three mixed drinks in two hours and you give a look of disgust, other patrons will notice and their perception of you will not be favorable.