5 Dinner Etiquette in Premium Restaurants in Lagos and Abuja

Last year a mutual friend of the Nightlife Team was invited to for a dinner gathering by some expert he was in business with. The restaurant was Shiro.

One of top restaurants in Lagos. He messed up big time and wasn’t sure he’s host would invite him next time.

Don’t reach across to sample your companion’s food please

Obviously leaning across someone and taking food from their plate without asking is rude but it’s nice to sample different dishes. Offer up some of your own first and then politely ask if you could try some of their meal. Have them agree first!

Wait for the entire party to arrive before being seated

Be nice!

In the past it was considered polite to wait for the entire party to arrive before sitting down and often it’s restaurant policy as they don’t want to offer valuable tables to groups who aren’t ready to order. Comprende?

There’s no hard and fast rule on whether to wait for others. In some fast casual or modern fusion restaurants, servers bring out dishes as soon as they’re cooked. In this situation it’s fair to enjoy them while they’re still fresh and hot rather than waiting for the whole group. Equally at restaurants that serve small plates such as tapas, tuck in as soon as the dishes start arriving. You don’t want the food to go cold.

Practice Basic Table Manners

Pay attention to your hosts. If in doubt, copy them, and don’t start eating until they do.

Don’t chew with your mouth open or talk with food in your mouth. Take small bites so you can finish them before speaking biko!

 Sitting Down And Leaving The Table

Find your place at a table either by looking for your name card or waiting for the host or wait staff to seat you. Don’t sit until the host does.

On social occasions, be ready to help ladies next to you with their chairs. Don’t do this on business occasions: in business, the proper way to treat a woman is as a fellow professional. Not as one beneath you or as the weaker sex.