Get High and get Horny: Simple true facts about Alcohol, Sex and your body.

Get High and get Horny: Simple true facts about Alcohol, Sex and your body.

It’s late at night, you’re 5 bottles down or possibly had a couple rounds at the bar, and you are feeling it. I bet you aren’t just feeling high but ask any gentle man, with highness must times comes a Horny feeling(No worries the guys can relate).

Booze can make you feel great to a certain point. It can make you feel so hot and horny that you just want to kiss the hottest person you see and wish that you were banging already!

Most people really don’t have a clue as to why drinking makes you horny. Believe it or not, there is some science behind all of this that you need to know. It doesn’t take many drinks for you to begin to feel horny. I’d say a couple of rounds or bootles and you’re feeling good enough to wanna bang.

Let’s talk some Science now:

Science could be boring but then again we need to turn to scientific facts from time to time to understand what truly happens within us. Consuming alcohol slows down your thinking and ability to fully process thoughts. The cerebral cortex which is the central command for things like perception, attention, awareness, memory and so much more becomes less receptive making it dead easy for most people to care less about things that typically matter to them once high.

Sexual desire and arousal comes from a few parts of your brain, including the amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, pituitary, and mainly the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). The amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and pituitary — which work together to control your intrinsic sexual impulses — aren’t affected by alcohol. However, your OFC, which is all about decision making and mate preference, is depressed by alcohol, and with your complex thought processes yanked out like that, all your brain is good for is eating, breathing, and sex.

Basically, you turn into a primal sex machine. This happens almost everything your alcohol intake outweighs your body weight. It always is best you drink less or pace your self while drinking and also be reminded that drinking too much is going to make it very difficult for you to perform in the bedroom.