Tips and Truths for Party Girls and Guys as a first timer

Before Party

  1. Get into a guest list.
    It saves you money and also from lining up. Better if you know a promoter, if not, just type away in Google the name of the club plus the words “guest list” and there’s sure to be links that’ll help direct you to the right people/promoters. Just be mindful of their requirements like if you should print out the confirmation or if you should be in the club before midnight.
  2. Get a table. Or not. Either is fine.
    If you’ve got the money, if you love your feet, and if there’s a lot of you, then yes, get one. But most of the time, my friends and I wouldn’t get a table because we’re mainly there to dance. (Nope, not even for the booze. We usually ‘pre-drink’ too.) Of course, we don’t consider it practical to buy a table when for the rest of the night we’re going to go around and actually party (a.k.a. kill our feet off) and if some new people we meet will have tables: then surely, we will just use and dominate their table as well. End result: free table! Haha!
  3. Dress smart.
    With today’s time, we’re all so fashion-conscious so I think you’ll know fairly well what you should wear and what you should not in a party. Most of the Manila clubs’ websites have a page stating the dress codes, and mind you, the only usual note for us women is to NOT wear slippers (but who the hell would even think of wearing slippers in a club?) Your best bet is to wear a dress and a pair of heels; better if it’s a pair that you last longest with. If you can’t usually take long-standing, then opt for flats or try wedges. And remember: there’s a fine line between sexy and skanky—but if skanky is what you’re after, then… sure, be my guest.
  4. Bring your I.D. and be 18.
    Don’t even think of leaving your ID because it’s going to be a hassle. There are times where they’ll still let you in though (after lots of embarrassing pleading, drama-making, and money giving.) Meanwhile, if you’re not 18 yet, just… don’t go. But I know that it won’t stop you from taking a brief trip to Recto, no? Haha! So if you want to take your chances on that, then that’s your call too.