Tips and Truths for Party Girls and Guys as a first timer part 2

Before Party

  1. Bring at least one trusted friend. A.K.A. your buddy for the night!
    You’ll be needing it; you two will be watching each other’s back, but of course, you should watch out for yourself above all. (If your boyfriend is coming along then good, you’ve got it covered.)
  2. Don’t bring your huge-assed cameras.
    You’re SLRs or whatever-you-call-it because some clubs don’t permit those in. Plus, are you really planning on being the ‘cameraman’ of your friends for the remainder of the night? Oh, please no. Bring your small digital cameras instead. But then sometimes, it’s also best not to bring one because that means you’ll be needing a purse; and a purse would often get in the way. You can’t really leave it anywhere.
  3. Don’t drive.
    The best option is to have someone else drop and fetch you at the venue; and this ‘someone’ must NOT be with you in that party. Whhhyyyy? Because by the end of the night, all of you are going to range from crazy, tipsy, wasted, to knock-out. This part of going ‘in and out’ is important to plan out.