See this Low Sugar and Low Alcohol Vodka Cocktails with Belvedere

The first two drinks contain no additional sugar and have only an ounce of alcohol per serving.

Hail Mary
0.8 oz/25ml Belvedere Vodka
1.2oz/ 35ml Fresh Cucumber juice (cold pressed)
3.4oz/ 100ml freshly blended tomato juice (cold pressed with one whole chili per btl)
0.3oz/ 10ml Worcestershire sauce
0.7oz/20ml cold-pressed beetroot juice
0.08oz/ 2.5ml Malt Vinegar
2 dashes Green & Red Tabasco
Salt & Pepper to taste
pinch paprika
0.3oz/ 10ml fresh lemon juice
Roll to dilute, strain over ice, garnish with a celery stalk, lemon, and cucumber.