Canada, France, Greece and Other Countries Where Prostitution Is Legalized

Prostitution countries

In spite of bans and regulations, it is not strange to learn that prostitution is yet the oldest occupation in history. This line of work is regarded as the most hateful and even labelled as a crime in some places, but do you know what the news is? Prostitution will remain in existence for as long as poverty is evident in the system. That is not to indicate poverty as the only reason for prostitution, there are other factors underlining the act of prostitution but they would be tagged as ‘unforeseen.’


Some countries in the world have taken it upon themselves to outrightly ban prostitution and mark it illegal while some other countries have managed to embrace the health and social benefits of prostitutes. In countries where prostitution is legal, other aspects of the trade may still be illegal but let’s find out where.


– Quick reminder: Prostitution is the occupation of engaging in sexual activity with someone in exchange for payment and we have estimated 42 million prostitutes around the world.


Canada: Prostituting yourself personally here will raise no brows, that means it is legal. The illegal side to it which is considered as a big flaw is that buying sex, on the other hand, has become illegal during the end of the war in 2014. This puts sex workers in a very dangerous position within a legal evaluation. Prostitution in Canada is limitedly legal, 2019 statistics records 37,411,047 prostitutes.


France: With an estimated value of 65,129,728 prostitutes in 2019, prostitution on this side is still limitedly legal. In this scenario, soliciting in public is outlawed, pimping is illegal and brothels were never to be seen since 1946 after the war.


Germany can boast of an absolutely legal prostitution scheme. You are allowed to be astonished that there are even functioning state-run brothels. You can imagine how properly transaction will be run on that side. Prostitution has been legalized in Germany since 1972. Sex workers are provided with impartial health benefits, they also pay taxes just like every other worker and they receive social benefits like pension. 83,517,045 number of prostitutes is not an insignificant figure.


Greece is on the same track as Germany where no aspect of prostitution was set aside as illegal. It is an actual job in their society with sex workers getting equal rights to go for health checkups just like any other worker in the country. A population of 10,473,455 prostitutes speaks a unit.


Denmark: Prostitution on this side also enjoys government aid in the sense that disabled people are helped to get laid by incurring an extra sum of money. 2019 survey reveals 5,771,876 prostitute