JUJU STORIES is an upcoming three-part anthology film exploring juju (magical) stories rooted in Nigerian folklore and urban legend. The film stars Timini Egbuson, Belinda Yanga Agedah, Bukola Oladipupo, Paul Utomi, Elvis Poko, Nengi Adoki, Seun Kentebe, amongst others. The...
Kayode Kasum's 'This Lady Called Life' is set to join the teeming list of new titles scheduled for release in October. According to Filmone distribution, the upcoming feature film premieres in cinemas October 9 alongside other films slated for the...
If you grew up in Nigeria as a kid in the 90s then you'd love this story as it is a remake of a legendary movie from yesteryears. Play Network Studios' highly anticipated remake of Amaka Igwe's 1994 classic, 'Rattlesnake'...
Former Big Brother Naija season five housemate, Erica  has opened up about her initial reaction to her shocking expulsion from the house. Erica recently made the revelation in a 9-minute video shared on Instagram on Tuesday, September 29, 2020, captioned:...
EbonyLife Films has announced that their latest offering, the Netflix Original film Òlòtūré, will debut today, the 2nd Of October with a virtual red carpet premiere and Netflix Watch Party to ensure that fans do not feel left out...
The people of Lagos have a very little reservoir of patience and this reflects in their expectations of service. A good waiter must have these qualities to survive in this career path: 1. Patience If you want to be a great waiter...
Shaking: Not every cocktail requires shaking, but if it does, make sure to shake really well. That is, try not to hold back, as there is a good logic behind this step: It introduces extra oxygen bubbles into a...
For the most part, yes, it’s not safe to walk through some parts of Abuja at night alone. Worse if you are a woman. It’s smart, however, to adhere to some common sense principles that are valid for any...
For the most part, yes, it’s not safe to walk through some parts of Lagos at night alone. Worse if you are a woman. Lekki, in particular, is safe these days and has been for the past five years....
"There is everything healthy about beer," said Alexis Nasard, chief commercial officer for the Dutch brewing giant. Nasard argued that beer has fewer calories than milk and contains no additives. "Beer has much less calories than many things you can think...