COVID – 19: 10 Social Distancing Regulations You Need To Adjust To

Social Distancing

The whole world is held captive by the ongoing pandemic situation with no race left out. This is imposing a forcible effect on our lifestyle and we have to give what it takes to stay safe. We as a brand has committed to using all our platforms to keep people informed and communicate safety measures. We will not assume that people know what they should do and abide by it, we will indeed sing it all the time till this phase is over.


In discerning what to do at this period, there are also some things you should not do in other to save lives. Nonetheless, we will highlight some activities you should avoid, the ones you can do with caution and others that are safe to do.


1.) AVOID being in groups or gatherings of more than 20 people. This puts a temporarily hold on attending parties, hangouts, mosques, churches, worship centres, house parties or the thoughts of even organizing any of these events. Stop visiting bars, restaurants, going or inviting for a sleepover.

2.) Try as much as possible to AVOID crowded retail stores and visiting elderly people with children.

3.) AVOID going to the gym too. Now is the time to try virtual workout if you haven’t before.

4.) This is NOT the time to receive visitors if we really care to stop the spread of this virus.

5.) You can USE CAUTION when visiting the supermarket or the pharmacy.

6.) If you are a caregiver or you are checking on your friends and families safety, USE CAUTION!

7.) Working from home is advised at this moment.

8.) Walking your dog, jogging or going for a solo drive does not hurt.

9.) Lay your hands on some DIY procedures while you stay in the house

10.) Reading and passing useful information will also go a long way.

#TogtherApart we will get through this.