Why you should Drink Fruit Juice and Tea After a Friday Night Out at Club 57 Lagos

A glass of fruit juice helps by giving you a sugary kick and energy, as well as getting rid of the toxins in your body whilst replacing some of the essential minerals you’ve lost.

Chrcoal also help too. They both help absorb the toxins released by the alcohol into the the blood stream.

Milk will work well to replace the calcium you’ve lost, while ginger tea (or even just ginger on its own) can help with nausea.

Another option is drinking milk thistle tea, which is said to be a hangover godsend. Boiled water with honey and lemon will also help boost your blood sugar and vitamins.

Coffee may be the obvious port-of-call for most sufferers, but it’s actually a diuretic and causes your body to lose water quickly. Coffee is also the number one cause of those horrible sweats and heart palpitations we’re all prone to when we’ve had a night on the sauce – our advice is to avoid coffee like the plague!