Escape the Hustle and Bustle of Lagos on a Kayak this Weekend

If you think you have used up all the weekend fun ideas you have, you can trust us to always come up with something new each time. We are not surprised about this new twist the month of September is presenting us at this last minute, it is also related to what we’ve always known but we will be honest that we never really saw it coming.



We would all agree that there were quite a number of beach house parties that made up the most of the month till the new twist of this weekend. WakawakaNg will be taking a group of born ready people on a kayaking trip – we just hope you get lucky enough before you hear sold-out.



Adventure is out there this weekend; you just have to kayak to it.  After all the hustle and bustle of Lagos during the week, you deserve to ease it all off on the water this Sunday. Don’t hold back if you are new to this, there’s room for learning. Everything has been made easy. Just come ready to unwind.



Hit them up at WakawakaNg for more details