French Wine Maker Barton & Guestier treats customers to a night of fun last month

Barton and Guestier wines just like most others took it upon themselves to host customers to a time of fun and excited last month.

While a team in place, some fun ideas to with them, first stop for the B &G  team was the premiere of one of Nigeria’s much-anticipated movie. As hundreds of celebrities and top dignitaries attended the movie premiere in high expectation, they were welcomed by the ever enchanting aroma of Thomas Barton Reserve wines, Chateau Magnol and Chateau d’Arcins; all premium still wines, preserved and matured in the best of French barrels. Soon, the premiere turned into a real party as laughter and hearty talk filled the hall, and guests relished the range of wine that they were being served.

Next stop, was the rooftop bar of Maison Fahrenheit an upscale bar in Victoria Island, where the B&G team hosted a food and wine party with most of Lagos top socialties.

Below are first photos of the event. Enjoy


Photo Credit :  Bellanaija