How To Deal With Armed Robbers at Night in Lagos Traffic

How To Deal With Armed Robbers at Night on Lagos Traffic

Lagos is Africa’s biggest city, is famous for the level of traffic commuters in the city have to endure on a daily basis. While the traffic situation can be quite frustrating and tiresome, it is not the time wasted or energy exerted that terrifies these commuters. What they find most dreadful is the possibility of strong-armed robbery in traffic.
Most areas in Lagos, especially on the Island , are well guarded, however, there are key traffic areas where these robberies occur not just at nights, but in broad daylight.

These areas include Marina, CMS – Costain Bridge, Maryland end of Ikorodu road, Gbagada, Mile 2 – Oshodi bridge and Idumota – Eko bridge, Ikoyi Bridge before the Third Mainland Bridge. These armed robbers target heavy traffic routes. Although traffic robbery is something motorists or commuters would not want to contemplate, it is equally something they can easily get caught up in especially during night traffics. The robbers commit the act and run into the night.

Some robbers accost their victims by gently tapping on their side window and revealing the butt of their gun, or whatever weapon they have, while others prefer to scare their victims by smashing their side window or windscreen with a hammer. Whatever the case, do not panic, or raise alarm. The numerous witnesses will not assist or give you any protection, neither will the security men on patrol. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that you are still alive and will only have lost a few possessions. Staying calm can reduce the chance of the robber getting scared and agitated.

Never Attack The Robbers
Do not use your pepper spray or pocket knife. Do not attack the robber. Most of the robbers are not only armed, they operate in gangs and while you might have been initially accosted by one member of the gang, the others lurk around. Attacking the armed robber very rarely ends well.


Avoid Direct Eye Contact
No matter how low-class the robber may look or seem, be respectful. Avoid looking him directly in the eye as that might irritate him. Don’t stare either, as this would be perceived as threatening to the robber. Keep your eyes down and look at the chin of the robber and use your peripheral vision to obtain details. This is less threatening to the robber. Address him as ‘Sir’ or ‘oga’. Most robbers have low self-esteem and a little bit of respect might calm them down or even deter them.

Offer Your Full Cooperation
Unless your car is bullet and hammer-proof, do not argue with the armed robber. Cooperate . Ensure you first inform the robber in clear terms that you are willing to cooperate, then respond quickly to their demands to whatever instructions they give. Speak only if you need to answer the offender and always reply honestly. Don’t try to be a hero. Speak clearly and with simple language.

There is no gain in impressing an armed robber with big grammar. Do not try to confuse him with a foreign language, heavy/polished accent or big grammar. Respond in the simplest English you know.
Also, try not to add to much detail or say anything that is unnecessary as that could increase the pressure, cause a breakdown in confidence and lead to panic. Keep your answers short, precise and positive using simple words and phrases.

Take The Robber Seriously
While strong-armed robberies can also occur without a weapon- just the threat of physical violence or an actual beating followed by the demand for moneys, always assume that the offender is armed. Whether you see the armed robber’s weapon or not,you can never be too sure. Be cautious, ensure you observe all his movements and listen to every word his says. Do not underestimate his actions. Stay alert.

Dont Act Familiar
Things could get really hairy if the robbers think you’ve recognized them. Hence it is very important that you dont show any form of familiarity even if you know them from somewhere. Should you recognize an accent, dont try speaking the language associated with that accent with the robber. Stay distant and do as told.