Independence Day At The Beach – Euphoria Tropical Beach Bash

Beach house parties are the spice of this post lockdown season and we are in for all the flavors. We made it known HERE that August was the eye-opener while September is for the chills. We are more than ready to explore all the new dimensions of fun this season has to offer us.



The Map World group has put out a word on how boring the year has been for every one of us, we would even agree to call it ‘crazy,’ and now is the best time to have proper fun in grand style. They have chosen the first two nights in the month of October to mark the national independence and freedom from the noble virus lockdown.



We are beckoned to unwind, chill, and relieve stress at the ‘Euphoria Tropical’ beach bash on the 1st and 2nd of October. This is an Australian and Candian beach house party with exclusive facilities including a private swimming pool, boat cruise, cabanas, fun games, wild card, great music, celebrity appearances, seafood, exotic drinks, and many more.



Tickets are out on sale now via @mapworldgroup