Introducing: The Grind Hangout With Sa’eedah

The Grind Hangout with Saeedah
The Gr

Living a creative life is one awesome way to exist as a human; waking up with the throbbing pulse of giving birth to new ideas, new thoughts, new words and new memories. The weight of absolute trust and confidence one has successfully immersed in one’s instincts to embark on a creative journey and go as far as presenting it to the world is golden.


All these beautiful words said about being creative will pass away as a mere faux without the mention of how not-so-easy it comes. An ounce of passion or more is required to make one enjoy the hustle. Now that’s the crude name for creativity, “hustle!”


Let’s forget all this grammar.🤣🤣🤣


My name is Sa’eedah, I hope I have managed to introduce myself as a creative with all the Shakespeare thing I started with? *laughing*


I hope I have also been able to convey how uneasy living a creative life is and how one’s passion is a huge assert needed to enjoy the wonder ride.


Moving on, you will agree with me that as passionate as one can be, one yet needs a like-minded personality with an equally insane drive to create something spectacular.


The Grind Hangout with Saeedah


That being nailed, let us all come together to imagine how a gathering of such persons will be in a beautiful scenery.

Let’s introduce music to this gathering.

Somebody hand me a red cup, look at those two laughing over there, who is winning this round of the game???

That will be you, your friend, myself and my friends at #TheGrindHangout with the purest vibrations in the world. . .



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