Never do them! 5 Things Women Hate About Men in the Club

Get a woman in a club

Women are very selective when it comes to their taste in men and opinions can vary widely depending on the woman in question. Although men are more open to talking about it – Women want to get laid too – just not by everyone. No matter how charming, attractive or witty you are, women can be turned off in an instant. While at a night club remember to avoid these female-repellents or rather think of them as turn-offs.

Thou shall not touch

If you’ve ever been to a club, like even once—you are not going to be shocked to hear that women get a lot of unwanted, attention. Horny guys everywhere looking for the next available girl to take home. The act of grabbing a woman’s arm, shoulder or even worse, butt or breast has almost replaced pickup lines and a simple “hello my name is”. I mean a tap on the shoulder to get her attention might not get you smacked but bro a grope of the ass is never funny and almost always offensive. The worst part about it is that some guys even laugh about it as they do it. Common man, It doesn’t matter what they have on, who they are with or how much they had to drink. Never start an interaction by touching or grabbing her.

Beware of Space Invaders

I hope this seems a little insane to you, but there are dudes in the club who will sort of dance behind girls, inching closer and closer in a hopeful manner until they are “dancing with” her. I don’t quite get what the thought process behind this is while yeah i have seen that approach work a few times it just isn’t a sure way to get started with a girl. Be direct and ask for a dance. Smile, make eye contact, and say a few words. What’s the worst that can happen? A little confidence and directness will go a long way.

Sunglass Wearers

OK this is one I think most men hate just as much as woman. Guys who wear sunglasses while they are at a club. You may think you look cool but bro you don’t. For Christ’s sake man, those are called sunglasses for a reason. I suppose some people are just trying to hide the fact that they are high. Or maybe they want to be a secret pervert and don’t want to waste time with eye contact as they stare at body parts but whatever the case may be, sun glasses as the name implies are meant to shade your eyes from Sun. Let’s keep it that way.

Sweaty Guys

You want to give the best first impression you can when meeting people, and that starts, with your physical appearance. A person sweating in a hot place is normal. Although you’re going to sweat no matter what, have the decency to keep your sweat to yourself. There is nothing more disgusting than someone sweaty trying to put their arms around you or trying to dance on top of you in a club. The only time it is ok to sweat on top of someone is while in the middle of sex, and if you sweat on top of someone in a nightclub you won’t have the luxury of getting that privilege.

Not all girls can be bought with a drink

“Can I buy you a drink?” Put these six words together and you get the world’s most used pick-up line. Used and abused for as long as anyone can remember and it will probably be used by our kids, and kids-kids. I’m not against buying a girl a drink in a club because it is a good ice breaker. You see a beautiful woman and gather the courage to offer a drink and she says “yes please”, things are looking good. In fact you may think you have just hit the jackpot but all she has accepted is a drink, she has not made a sex for liquor trade.

You are not entitled to see a nipple for every drink you buy for a woman. If you buy someone a drink, it is polite for them to chat with you. You might get on very well, and then phone numbers and fluids can be exchanged. But if the lucky recipient of your generosity ignores you for the rest of the night that’s her choice. That may be rude though, but then again, that’s her choice man if you feel that strongly about it you can ask her for your drink back. That’s it. If you want to pay for sex there are all sorts of places you can go.(Need some ideas? This post sure can help) But it’s going to cost more than a wine and coke.