While going to a concert should always be fun, it’s important to still remember your own safety, even during the concert. Concerts attract all kinds of attention and people, both negative and positive. How do you handle drunk people who look ready to throw up on you? What about making sure you return to your car with your new phone in your hands and not in the hands of a pickpocket? In light of the Manchester Arena bombing in May 2017, concertgoers’ safety in case of a bombing is now a bigger concern than it’s ever been.
Even though having fun should be your biggest priority of the night, you can’t afford to throw all cares aside and forget to practice caution. With this in mind, here are 10 concert safety tips to know that will keep you and your group safe and ensure a wonderful night that you will be talking about for the rest of the year.

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1. Don’t go alone
You might enjoy going to events that you love on your own or maybe you don’t know anyone else who enjoys this particular artist’s music as much as you do. Don’t let that stop you from reaching out and inviting someone to come along with you to the concert, especially if it’s going to be a big event with a giant crowd of people expected to show up. Having an extra set of eyes to watch out for you and your stuff is a good idea. There really is safety in numbers, plus, going to a concert with people you love to be around can be more fun.
2. Get friends’ and family’s contact info
Make sure you have the contact information of all the people who you came with to the concert with saved into your phone and written down, just in case your phone happens to die during the concert. This way, if you were to get separated from the rest of your group members, all it would take is a quick text or phone call to round everyone up. If your phone does die and you don’t have a certain phone number memorized, having those numbers written down somewhere in your bag means that you can borrow a fellow concertgoer’s phone to make a call to your lost group member.
3. Let others know where you are
If you plan on going to a concert, make sure you tell someone where you are going to be that night. That way, if you found yourself in some kind of trouble, people would know exactly where you are and if they should come and help.