How to Spot a Yoruba Demon at a Club Night Out in Lagos

This weekend ‘Power’ star Rotimi and rap super star Wale went made an instagram video about a certain ‘Yoruba Demon juice’.

They further went on to decribe that taking the ‘Yoruba Demon Juice’ made you perform better sexually.
The mystery of the Yoruba demon keeps unfolding daily with new insights being unveiled as times goes on.
However we’ve taken time to do our own research to let you know how to identify a ‘Yoruba Demon’ in the club.
See below:

Wears The Iconic White Traditional Attire
Prefarabbly made with the expensive and popular ‘atiku’ fabric. The trad is essential in the pursuits of their career in breaking hearts. They are easy to spot in the club as the lights bounce off their fabric.


The Trad Could Also Be Black
Dont let me lead you in the narrow direction. A Yoruba demon can also wear a black trad to the club. There are no restrictions to the colour of the trad. Just look out for those at the club.


A Main Phone That is an Iphone
In the business of stealing hearts and impressing at the club, the Yoruba demon knows to make sure that his phone must be the most expensive there is. Hence the iphone and a supporting Samsung phone to complete the impression. Also note that when he asks for a girls number, he hands the phone over to her. She has to know how expensive the phone is.

The Car Key Signal
How else will a Yoruba Demon break hearts if the girls dont see him parade the key to his mercedes benz visibly inside the club.

Honest and Heartfelt Smile
This is how they melt all girls’ hearts. They stand at their corner of the club and flash you a smile. Their smile suddenly make them look kind. Your heard drops when they say hello with a flash of this their weapon.

Beards that can Kill
You can always tell a Yoruba demon with his connected beards. The combination of the beards and the trad makes him look rich and well put together.

They Drink Henessey
Their favourite drink is henessey. They order this with plenty of mixers and go ahead and share with their friends.

They walk In Packs
Like a pack of wolves looking for prey to devour they come and go in packs. You’d see them in the VIP, full beards and keys in hand, looking around for the next heart to break.

The Yourba demon is not necessarily Yoruba boy by the way, he could be from any tribe with any of these decription. So next time you see one in the club, you know best to run from your life and protect that tender heart of yours.