The Takeover of Houseparty App During COVID-19 Lockdown

The social distant life we are all made to live in the rise of the novel Corona Virus did not promise to be easy but we are doing well adapting. This has set everyone in pursuit of creative ways to have fun in as many socially distant means as possible and this has also made the virtual space our hub of possibilities. In spite of the global lockdown, fun lovers can still boast of participating in virtual concerts, stay at home parties, social media challenges and other engaging activities – top of which is the ‘Houseparty‘ app.



In a report that will not be surprising to find out, it has been gathered that the number of hours people all over the world amid COVID-19 lockdown have spent on their social media apps increased by 20% while it is expected to rise with the extension of the lockdown till further notice.



The Houseparty app available on iOS and android is a video calling app which allows up to 8 people in a spontaneous group activity. It comes as one of the popular means to stay connected to the outside world during this quarantine phase. Houseparty recorded up to 2million downloads worldwide last week, ranking as number one in the Apple app store in 17 countries including the United Kingdom, Spain and Italy. Statistical data from ‘App Annie’ reveals a rate of 735 times increase in the number of the Houseparty app downloads following the recorded higher traction of TikTok and Zoom video call app since March 2020.


This casual video conferencing app can be said to have made social distancing easier than we thought with lots of socially inclined activities going on there including dates, dinners, parties, workouts, twerking and anything you can think of. It was built and launched in September 2016 to mimic a real life houseparty experience where people can be found in different rooms doing different things.