Things To Remember When You Are Going for a Show or Concert At Night In Lagos

Things to remmeber when going to a show

Go early To Get A Seat/View
Congratulations! Despite the hard times, you have purchased the tickets that grant you entry into the music show. As you would when you attend any important event, be early. Basically, if you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. Coming early ensures that you pick out a great spot to sit so as to get a better view of the performances of the day. Be at the venue at least 30 minutes to an hour earlier than announced or written on the ticket. You may even arrive earlier than that depending on the size of your fandom.


Bring the right toiletries
It is a music show, there will be a lot of people and the toilets will be crammed with people. You want to make sure you don’t have to run to the toilet every single moment. Some good things to carry with you at all times are a small bit of toilet paper or a travel-sized pack of Kleenex, as well as wet wipes and hand sanitizer. Ladies dont forget to bring an extra pad. You just might need it. Facial wipes and hand wipes are good ways to wash the sweat off without easy access to showers.


Drink with caution
You really do not want to get drunk at a music show, even if you are with friends. You’re there to see live music, not get so wasted that you have to be escorted out by security .Yes, it is a music show, it’s a given that there will be a lot of people trying to sell you booze and it will be much more fun when you are drinking, but…remember that the heat and exhaustion you are feeling will make your body’s response to drugs and alcohol different than usual, and may cause you more harm than good. Again, the drinks are usually overpriced and buying them would be a rip-off.


Leave Your Gadgets at Home
A rule of thumb for attending a music show in Lagos is that you don’t bring anything that you wouldn’t want to have stolen. While it might be a great idea to come with your laptop or iPad so you can type in your experience or a fancy camera so that you can indulge your photography hobby by snapping great shots of your favorite musicians performing, it might be very risky to do so at a music show. Even going with your phone (especially if it is expensive) could be a huge risk .

Go With Friends And Fellow Fans
The best way to survive and enjoy a music show is to go with friends who are also fans of the performers at the event. Basically, it is always more fun with more people.