Tips and Truths for Party Girls and Guys as a first timer part 4

During Party

  1. The make or break of the club experience: being with the right crowd.
    This wouldn’t always be within your control. Most of the time, you’ll have those friends who are not ‘game’ and they could potentially ruin everyone’s night or the experience overall. So I advise that you just let it be, and have fun with your self or with your buddy-of-the-night. Like what people say: happiness is a choice. And it really is. So you either do something to find it or be the reason for it, in order to make your clubbing experience worthwhile.
  2. Act like it’s not your first time.
    If not, you’ll be an easy target for jokes and for jerks. Yes. So here’s how it’s going to be: first, they’re going to stamp you. Most of the time, that’s going to be invisible since there’s a black light that’s going to flash over that part of your hand later on—so please, don’t suddenly start exclaiming for all the people behind the line to hear that they should stamp you again since it’s not ‘visible’. Second, if you’re gonna order a drink, don’t ask for the ‘menu’ and then ponder over it for minutes as if you’re in a diner. Just quip the first cocktail you have in mind and then be gone with it. HAHA okay. Kidding aside, yeah, that’s what first-timers usually act and I just think you should know, because… like I said, you might become an easy target (in whatever sense that maybe). So anyway, those pretentious little notes aside, what you should actually do is to just…