Tips and Truths for Party Girls and Guys as a first timer part 5

During the party

  1. Bring an attitude that embodies fun. Let loose. Don’t be a wallflower.
    Don’t just stand there like a log on your spot, and if you’re ever in doubt about what to do next… just dance! Give in to the atmosphere because most probably, the only one that would be stopping you from having an awesome time is yourself. But really now, the actuality of this is that once you’re in there in the club, everything will come so naturally to you; whether the music is whack or not, you’ll just find yourself having a good time…
  2. …But don’t overdo it.
    I mean, it’s going to be embarrassing if you do; it’ll look like you’re just being “O.A.” Plus, can I just say? Don’t scream. I’ve seen some of those girls who, when they spot a friend that they know in the throng of people, they’d suddenly go into mental hysterics: “OH MY GAAAAAAHD! YOU’RE HERE TOO! OH, MY GAAAAHD! *SQUEALS SOME MORE* PARTEEEEH PARTEEEEHHH NAAAA!” …F*cking idiots.