- …Stay sober for as much as you could.
STAY. SOBER. I’m stressing this for your own good. STAY SOBER, or don’t drink at all. No one would really notice that you’re NOT drinking if you keep yourself occupied with the dance floor. But I know you’re bound to get carried away given all the hype that could happen, so at the very least, keep this in mind: a lady with class always knows how to handle her liquor. Besides, it’s more fun to be the sanest among your friends! By the end of the night, you can watch and laugh to your heart’s content while all of them get all wasted and sh*t. You can even take the honor of documenting their fiasco! LOLJK, but obviously, this is also for safety reasons. Like I’ve said, the guys are on to you. Guard your body, girl! HAHA! Okay, I’m trying to pass this off as a joke, but let’s just be realistic here okay? Most of the guys/men are in there to also ‘score’ anyway; but yeah sure, some are there just to party and dance. Nevertheless, you don’t need alcohol to have a good time. Trust me on this one, sweetie.
Drink of the week