Want a Career As a Club Bouncer In a Night Club in Lagos? See 5 Qualities You Must Have

Bouncers are the first club officials you’d see at any club or restaurant if you head out at night to have fun. They are in charge of venue security and they ensure that everyone stays safe and behave in an orderly manner.

  1. Size

This is the first requirement for this job at the average club in Lagos. You must be muscled up in size and be bigger than the average person. The reason for this requirement is that you have to be strong, hardened and big enough to intimidate and have the club customers comport themselves at the club.  A good bouncer should be able to have an unruly person behave himself with just a stare.

  1. A Bouncer Must Be able to handle himself in a fight

As a bouncer you should have an acceptable measure of boxing or self-defense skill. This is needed if you have to neutralize a fight in a club. It is your job as a bouncer to step in a fight and instill discipline and restore calm when needed.

  1. A bouncer must be Observant

Customers sometimes become unpredictable and unruly when they take alcohol. It is your job as a bouncer to observe everyone, spot those who have gotten drunk and manage their behavior. Sometimes the situation might require that you have to ‘bounce’ these customers from the club. You must be able to determine who is eligible to get into the club or not. You must be able to spot trouble from afar.

  1. Man the Door

This is one of the most important function of the bouncer. This part of the job must be done dutifully with all diligence. The bouncer must ensure that no one walks into the club carrying items that can cause other customers bodily harm. It’s his job to search and spot such items from pocket knives to firearms.

  1. Possess the ability to stand for a long time

A club bouncer is on his feet for 12 hours straight. To pursue a career in club security, you must be able to stay on your feet for as long as revelers are coming in or going out.

This means you must possess a good measure of inner strength and power. On the job you stay on your feet and stay alert knowing that lives are dependent on you to stay safe.