Weekend Habits to Help Party Freaks Prepare for a New Week

Pick a Day On The Weekend For Your Party
You are wasting your time if you tell a party freak not to party. This may be impossible. But what is possible is that you should choose a day for you to party throughout. Afterward, all partying should be suspended till the next weekend. It is a nice way to curtail excessive partying.

Get Plenty Of Sleep
After your partying, it is important for you to find time to sleep. Often times, you think you have enough time, but at the tap of your fingers, your weekend is over! For example, if the nightclub is in Lekki, you can book hotels around Lekki. This will ensure that you get a proper sleep and recover from the party hangover.

Avoid drinking yourself to stupor
You cannot be a serious party freak without drinking especially alcoholic beverages. Hence, the tendency for you to drink yourself to stupor is high. Try as much as possible not to fall for the temptation of drinking competitions with your friends. Apart from being embarrassed, it may suffer an alcoholic hangover which may probably take time to wear off.

Plan the week on Sunday night
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. If you don’t want to fail, plan your week on Sunday night. This will no doubt take the pressure off the new week.

Party with friends who can caution you
There is always that person among your circle of friends who can caution you whenever you party. He is the one who prevents you from getting drunk and drives you home when you are tipsy. Without them, you may never be able to recover from your partying escapades.