Every year, according to the World Health Organization, some 3.3 million people die from alcohol-related issues. The challenge in keeping that number in check though, is that every approach deployed by the government, health professionals and even our loved ones seems to rely on getting people to act against their own desires. Imagine when your doctor advises you to stay away from alcohol. Hell no or the government trying to convince everyone to adopt healthier drinking habits or possibly make it harder to buy booze. The alcohol industry is going to push back in a big way.
But instead of focusing on widespread behavior change like asking people to stop drinking or controlling their intake of alcohol. News making rounds is that researchers are now proposing what according to them is one of the most efficient way to reduce the public-health threat of alcohol may be to just make drinks less alcoholic.
According to the researchers, the proposal presents a unique situation, where public health interests in reducing alcohol consumption is not in conflict with the alcohol industry. While this may be a big ask there’s some evidence to suggest their proposal might actually work. For one thing, it’s happened before. As a number of years ago all boozy beverages saw a decrease in average alcohol content and guess what most people probably didn’t even notice the change in alcohol reduction and an increase in water content.
While we are yet to get a full brief of the research, their actual proposal and whether or not approve the government would approve this. Would this change affect your consumption of alcohol in anyway?