Step By Step Method On How To Take Tequila Shots

How to take Tequila shots

There’s no doubt that there is some kind of fuss about taking Tequila shots but we think the excitement is only natural. Tequila is not any of the regular liquors you can down as much as you want and that just tells the whole tale. This is not a recipe post, as a matter of fact, you don’t have to prepare anything. You should also bear in mind that the time you have taken in reading this post is even more than the time you will take to down your shot(s).


You are hereby advised by experts to savour the taste and aroma slowly when drinking straight tequila. This method of taking the shot is a hit in parties and hangouts with friends. Now here is  the order to be followed for it to make sense:


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1 1/2 ounces tequila
Lemon or lime wedge
1 pinch of salt

Steps to Make It

“Lick, Sip, Suck”
Moisten the back of your hand below the index finger (usually by licking) and pour on the salt.

Lick the salt off your hand. The salt lessens the burn of the tequila.

Drink the tequila.

Quickly bite into and suck the lemon or lime wedge. The sour fruit balances and enhances the flavour of the tequila.

Add more variety to your tequila shots by rimming the shot glass. Plain or coloured sugar are fun options.